Shannon Cattlin interview

Shannon Cattlin

      Whoops! Dropped my saddle

Shannon Cattlin

I couldn’t resist taking these photos of Shannon Cattlin as she struggled back to her truck after riding her second horse on the Pre-Novice cross country, then I felt so mean that I offered to carry her saddle for her. As we chatted on the way it turned out that the clear round she had just ridden had won her the Pre-Novice B class on Jaybee Carillion (pictured above) so we decided to do a little interview.

Shannon was also riding the thoroughbred Katzao in the Pre-Novice A class who she had saved from the knackery – she tells us his story and a little bit about the other horses in her life

Shannon Cattlin interview


      Lucky Katzao!

     CLICK HERE to watch Shannon's cross country round on Jaybee Carillion