Latest from Luhmühlen

      FRH Butts Leon will have his final victory lap at Luhmühlen 2015


 Luhmühlen’s organisers have announced that Her Royal Highness, The Princess Royal has accepted the patronage of the event.

“We try to keep Luhmühlen’s traditions alive and are therefore particularly grateful for this wonderful, supportive gesture. As a former event rider, Her Royal Highness is part of our sport. Due to her successful participation in the European Championships in Luhmühlen in 1975 and her office as FEI president at the European Championships in Luhmühlen in 1987, there is a special relation to our event. Although Princess Anne will not be able to attend Luhmühlen this year, we hope that an opportunity to do so may arise in the future” says event director Julia Otto.

Another special happening at Luhmühlen this year will be the retirement of FRH Butts Leon. Rider Andreas Dibowski has decided to retire the eighteen year at the venue of his the 4* winner here in 2011

 “Leon is eighteen years old and deserves to be retired while he’s fit and healthy. He has been going strong for twelve years and was the most successful horse I’ve had to date. He looks great and really seems to be enjoying retirement on the fields of his owners Susanne and Holger Heigel.”