Badminton Video Preview and News

Lucinda Fredericks and Headley Britannia

      Legendary mare Headley Britannia will be officially retired at Badminton 2013

Grab a cuppa and take 20 minutes to watch this great video Preview of the Mitsubishi Motors Badminton Horse Trials 2013. There is great footage from past events, visits to the yards of William Fox-Pitt, Andrew Nicholson and Michael Jung who are the top three contenders this year.

There are some classic comments; Andrew Nicholson admits to not being very good at taking advice, has never had a cross country lesson and has no cross country fences at home while William gets ‘sick with nerves’ before cross country and ruefully says that ‘someone has to beat him sometime’ referring to Michael Jung. Seeing the snow at Michael’s yard, you wonder how on earth he will ever get his horses fit enough for Badminton – but no doubt he will. This is real goose bump material and a great production by Badminton

In other news from the oldest horse trials in the world (but let’s not forget that Melbourne International 3DE is only two years younger) Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Cornwall will be presenting the prizes at the Event following the Jumping phase of the competition. Her Royal Highness is Patron of the British Equestrian Federation and has had a lifetime’s enthusiasm for horse sports.

On the Monday two great horses of the sport will also have their retirement ceremonies in front of the huge show jumping crowd. A tribute to Lucinda Fredericks’ Headley Britannia and Caroline Powell’s Lenamore will be presented by Ian Stark and no doubt there will not be a dry eye in the place

It’s going to be a great Badminton and we’ve got lots of coverage coming up with Libby Law and Emily Penney at the event capturing all the action. Ooooh I wish I was going ....!!!!