Head to head: Susie Berry and Kazuma Tomoto - Little Downham Int


Watch and learn!

Ireland’s Susie Berry riding Wellfields Lincoln and Japan’s Kazuma Tomoto recently won the two CCI4*-S sections at Little Downham International (3)

What better chance to watch two high level riders, both having just returned from competing at the World Championships in Pratoni for their respective nations, and learn from their rides.

We all know that we can improve by watching, analysing and discussing with coaches the cross country videos of our own rides but many sports psychologists also recommend watching videos of elite athletes to help improve your riding too

You may never ride at 4* level like Susie or Kazu (or maybe you will!) but there are plenty of lessons to take away from watching their videos. How did they leave the Start Box? Where did their lines differ or look similar? What sort of posture do the top riders use to balance themselves at various types of fences? How relaxed do they look?

Each horse is different of course so it’s difficult to compare ‘apples with apples’ in eventing but there are certainly things you can learn by simply watching these very good riders