Anita Marchesani

Turning Pro

Wednesday Aug 5, 2020 14:04

Can I? Should I? How do I? At some stage if you are any good as a rider, and if you love what you do, and simply cannot imagine doing anything else the thought comes to you: “Maybe I can become a professional at this…”

The Familiar Snaffle

Sunday Jan 22, 2017 11:39

Ever picked up a bit and wondered how it works? Find out more about the workings of the snaffle bit

Bitless Bridles

Sunday Sep 1, 2013 17:31

Anita Marchesani explains why she is a strong advocate for bitless bridles

The Gag bit

Sunday Jul 28, 2013 12:02

Bitting guru Anita Marchesani looks at the various Gag bits, their effects and how top eventing riders use them on their horses

About Leverage and Curb bits

Tuesday May 21, 2013 17:08

Equestrian bitting guru Anita Marchesani explains the workings of Leverage and Curb bits and how they should be used