
Video: Pippa Funnell talks horse and rider fitness

Thursday Jun 18, 2020 11:59

“Be patient before you go out there competing” Pippa Funnell provides some great advice for riders preparing to start competition again post Covid-19 in this webinar for World Horse Welfare

Equi-Lates: Pilates for Equestrians Part Five

Wednesday May 27, 2020 14:29

Riders need their legs around the horse, knees slightly pointed out to prevent gripping, heels down to lower their center of gravity, strong, upright positions, and soft/swinging hips. Here are exercises to help you achieve that

The equine athlete fitness programme

Sunday Jun 29, 2014 17:57

Warren Lamperd, eventing rider and coach, looks at some of the things to consider when working a horse, developing its fitness and designing an equine fitness programme