The Eventing Forecast


As 2013 draws to a close, websites, newspapers and magazines everywhere are cluttered with lists about the year that was. How boring. This Christmas I’m bucking the trend and looking at what we can expect from the eventing world in 2014.


Reserpine drops in popularity

I’m not accusing anyone of anything. But if there’s one thing that’s not on the Christmas wish list of the world’s eventers, it’s any feed, paste, potion, lotion, or powder that has the word Reserpine in its ingredients list.

I’ll go out on a limb and stake my saddle on the fact that no one’s going to test positive for the big ‘R’ in 2014.



The Nicholson and Fox-Pitt duel continues

These titans of eventing won’t be taking a backward step in 2014. With a shared animosity that drives them both to keep getting better, they’ll once again be butting heads at the top of 4 Star leader boards on both sides of the Atlantic.

While there are plenty of challengers waiting in the wings, as long as these two continue to control the majority of the world’s best horsepower, their trophy cabinets are just going to keep filling.



The Thoroughbred makes its comeback

You heard it here first. The gold medal at the WEG this year won’t be won by a flashy, big-headed warmblood. On a cross-country course in Normandy designed especially for the French style of riding – which pushes the limits of control and has been known to induce heart attacks in spectators – the thoroughbred will gallop its way back onto the podium.

If you fancy a tilt at the long course and tight time they’ll be serving up in France, gift yourself a thoroughbred this Christmas and start galloping.


      Look out for thoroughbreds like Murray Lamperd's Under the Clocks


The French win a medal in their backyard

Does anyone remember that the French won eventing team gold at the 2004 Athens Olympics? Like fluorescent jodhpurs, white helmets, and rubber top boots, it’s something we’ve all erased from our memories. Even the Germans think they won that one.

Because of this, the French have something to prove. And in a country that takes the meaning of the phrase ‘home ground advantage’ to another level, this event is sure to be stacked well in favour of the local team.

Keep an eye on the dressage judging and you’ll know what I mean.


       Part of the gold medal winning team in Athens and aiming for Normandy - Nicholas Touzaint


Australian eventing turns a corner

We all agree that our eventing team has been in the doldrums for long enough. But with things looking up in the cricket and our rugby team on the comeback trail, the time’s ripe for our eventing team to return to form.

Six months ago you looked at our squads and thought they were light on for quality. But a successful Adelaide for a number of Australian riders, the rise of some new talent during 2013, and the incredible form of Chris Burton means we’re a good chance to snag a medal by the time WEG comes around.

All we have to do is gallop as fast as those plucky Frenchmen.


Enjoy your holiday, and Merry Christmas!

See you somewhere out there in 2014.
