Bucking good fun (but cold)

      Brrrrrrr.............. it's been an icy winter at Wilky - we're looking forward to the heat and dust!


So things are rolling along pretty normally here at Wilky Park. All the horses are back in work (well… nearly all… Will (Mighty William) is still lounging in the back paddock thinking he is pretty clever while Sizzle and Poppy are hard at work…) and we are full steam ahead for the next lot of events

The first event that Wilky attended was the Victorian Eventing Fundraiser, I unfortunately didn’t get to attend due to Sizzle having a gaping hole in is leg (ugh…) so the rest of the team went along with a little team of horses this time and everyone did well for their first event back

Next up is Mt Gambier Horse Trials, which is an insane SEVEN HOUR DRIVE! WHAT EVEN??  Not that I haven’t been on big trips before (we did the trip from Tassie to Sydney and back again with some stop over’s in Canberra and Melbourne a few years ago but that was done gradually over a month! Not a weekend!). But nevertheless a seven hour drive we will be undertaking with a naughty Sizzle in tow as well as a big team of Em and Will’s horses. To say I am keen is a bit of an understatement – let’s hope Sizzle is over his spooky jump phobia

Poppy is going well, she has even been to her first comp outing. I took her along to a freshman’s day and did the 60cm, which she did with ease - just popped around like she was a pro! I was absolutely stoked with how brave she was and how willing she was to do the right thing. Clever baby pony! Annnd I even got to see her lovely dad the other day too (Valhalla). Let’s hope she has some of her dad's super talent and scope - she is currently full steam ahead for Friends Of Werribee HT Intro and hopefully if all goes well that will be her debut event


      Yeehaa! Bethany sticks on Dennis


Back home my sisters are currently getting ready for the Spring Show season and getting ready to make the trip over to Werribee for the Australian Show Jumping Championships. Bringing those feral ponies back into work has caused a familiar set of problems as you can see from the photo of Bethany and the cheeky monkey Dennis (Bandman, my semi-retired 1* eventer… she stuck it by the way!) but as the days are (finally) getting longer and our sun is setting a little later we are beginning to see the start of a little bit of spring trying to squeeze its way past the lingering hulk of what has been a very wet winter at Wilky. I think I speak for everyone when I say that we are sick of abscesses, skating around paddocks as if we are on ice and trees falling on cars… ahhh I cannot wait till we are complaining about the flies and dust instead!

Until next time!

Alice smiley