Swapping my horses for skis

After leaving you all in my last blog commenting about the unusual rain in Perth we had been having, I need to retract that statement a little bit now as for the last two weeks we have had a constant 40 degree heatwave! Temperatures like this make it almost impossible to even consider working horses every day, so I have temporarily swapped my horses for some skis, and I have loved every second of it. I have only had one horse in work that has just been broken in and only requires a little bit every day. Luckily at around 7am it has been a satisfactory temperature to ride in, so an early morning ride everyday which then leaves the rest of the day off for some festivities has made the summer holiday quite a bit of fun!

   Myself on Daisy, partner Aaron on Trumpet and friend Ben on Ollie at the horse beach.
   Photo: Redfoto

On a few of the hotter days we have taken the horses down to the beach to try and make them a little bit more comfortable, as well as it being a bit of exercise for them. The horse beach is one of my favourite places in the world to be – what can be better really! The beach, the water, my horse and an almost endless sand track. Most of the time the horses seem to like it as well, Trumpet is the only one who really needs convincing to go for a swim, he is a bit of a chicken sometimes! We will do this as often as possible throughout the summer and I will probably start a bit of fitness work down at the beach too, rather than heading straight to the track on a hot summers day.

   Going for a canter up the beach on Daisy.
   Photo: Redfoto

I am lucky enough that my partner’s family own a ski boat so we have made several day trips down south to Waroona dam. Day trips have been a lot of fun but you always leave wishing for just a little bit more, so after Christmas we planned to head down to the dam for a few nights and camp out. Christmas and New Years passed like a bit of a blur, filled with family get togethers and relaxing around the pool. New Years Eve was spent with most of the eventers and show-jumpers in WA getting together to celebrate in style with a good old ‘Aussie’ barbeque and some water volleyball – and of course the girls beat the boys! On New Years Day we made the trip down to Waroona with the boat in tow, as well as several friends tagging along either for a day or staying the nights.

   Skiing on the 'disc' at the dam.
   Photo: Aude Reubrecht

We were down at the dam for three days and it was lots of fun camping out by the water and being able to wake up in the morning and get straight out on the water. I think everyone that came down learnt a new skill and quite a few laughs were had. There were only two of us who came away with real injuries – I chipped a tooth falling off the tubes (when Aaron was driving of course, he still hasn’t heard the end of that one) and our friend Ben came away from the few days looking redder than a lobster, but I’m sure he will put more sunscreen on next time! It was then back to reality and back to the horses but it was certainly a good way to start 2013!

   A few of us getting ready to get up on the kneeboards.
   Photo: Aude Reubrecht

I start back to work on the 7th January and also back to teaching. I am the sort of person who loves to have their routine and although I have had a ball over the last fortnight or so doing lots of different things, I am really looking forward to going back to my lessons and riding more often. As I said I just have the one young horse in work but Daisy will be coming back in this week and I will have a few clients horses on the go. Trumpet will remain a paddock pony for at least another few weeks, having a nice, long break. I have another young one who was supposed to start work over the summer but we have had some difficulties getting my broodmare in foal so over the next week we will see if my riding mare may have to take the ‘broodies’ place. I’m sure what is ‘meant to be, will be’ so I am excited to see what happens.

Over the next month I don’t really have any real competitions, however I may try and find a training day or something to go to. I think in early February I have a few clinics starting up, and towards the end of this month is my 21st birthday so hopefully there will be a bit more to fill everyone in on in my next blog.smiley

An Eventful Life would always recommend the wearing of a correctly fitted helmet when riding a horse