Murray Update


   Before I left Australia I rode Don Skipcello in the 2* at Werribee ODE

I am still on the two rides a day plan and it seems to be working well to date - probably keeps me more familiar mentally and physically connected with each of the disciplines.

I went for a long ride and did some gallops yesterday. I thought Ninja would be a bit stiff today but the dressage session this morning felt ok which is a good sign.

Just a quiet jump to about 60cm to work on some of the canter and turns in the small arena.

This time next week we will be at Waregem in Belgium for a 3* Nation's Cup. I am looking forward to it because we need the match practice and we need to see how the changes in the training, translate to the competition.

The three times I have been out competing in the northern hemisphere it has felt like I am playing a desperate game of catch up for all sorts of reasons. Hopefully we can go out and get some way towards feeling like we are back to some regularity without too many surprises that come from landing on the other side of the world in a bit of a whirlwind.

I am probably more positive than ever about our potential and that we take it a lot further over time if we can keep holding on to those thoughts.

I am missing my family and friends tremendously, but as I said to my daughter things are about to get really busy and it will be over before we know it.


Photo: Jenelle Christopher