Next is Beokelo

I have just found out that we are off to Beokelo next week. We thought we were on a waiting list so we are prepared, but I was thinking it wouldn't come about.

It is an opportunity to get input around an Aussie team scenario and face up against the best riders in a genuine test. We need to be tested more often anyway and this can only help us produce a better result at Pau and maybe beyond.

Ninja is feeling great and we had a very good dressage and jumping session today.

I am looking forward to the feed back that relates to Pau, given that all the squad training has been in the UK or Australia where I haven't been. I am happy that we have spent this time at Boeckmann's in Germany but as we know with this sport, you have to stay on top of all the disciplines and in general, try to avoid surprises.

Above: Memories … Here we are at home on a dry ploughed track when all this was just beginning. Summer is over here but unlike home there was no brown grass or dust.