Update from Murray

A week has gone by since I arrived back in Germany – although it seems like longer. When I think of the progress with the horse or the many emails from my family or just the coordinating and planning it certainly seems like more than a week.

Ninja amazes me on many levels. Let’s face it he is a natural racehorse and by that I mean that he isn't bred to do high level dressage or showjumping or even cross country. But he brings other attributes that you often can't see and I think the biggest of those is his overall personality.

   I will take Ninja to Klatte's (above) for some jumping rounds in the next few weeks

It wasn’t until after we owned him that I saw video of him racing and I think it would be fair to say that if I had seen this footage and the way he travelled pre-purchase, I wouldn't have bought him. Yet he is in many ways now a completely different horse who continues to evolve and adapt. He will never give up and added to that he is a delight to be around.

This morning I sat down and started to write down some competition dates in the calendar, finishing with Pau in France. As I was writing Pau I could feel my heart rate speed up … I will have to approach it similar to Badminton and focus on the process and the fact that it is just another competition. I know it is another big one for us, but other people do these competitions year in year out with multiple horses and that’s what I need to keep in mind.

That’s all for now,

