Who says British food is bad?

Murray Lamperd

      The last time we saw Murray on a bike was at Tonimbuk Horse Trials ...................


Well it is Sunday afternoon and I would say that we are settling in. Ninja is eating slowly but nibbles most of the time. I think it is a combination of feed he isn't used to as well as the fact that he is in a stable most of the day.

I took him for a gallop today after a few days in the arena to make sure he is feeling alright. The funny thing is he always feels better and satisfied after a nice gallop. Almost like a reboot for him. He eats and drinks and just looks happier.

The sun is out today and at times it has almost felt mild.

The gallop was in these beautiful paddocks that Warren (my brother) has the use of. Even after all the rain they are in great shape. Apparently this is because there is chalk underneath the ground. We gallop up a steady hill twice with a stretch alongside a canal with the barges travelling beside us. It was very enjoyable and it was good for me to do something a little physically demanding. I am going to go for a bike ride now just to get rid of some energy so that I can sleep better. The other reason is so I don't stack on the kilos after eating the spectacular food that is served up every mealtime. Susie's parents used to run a successful restaurant and great food is par for the course.

I hope to get to some cross country schooling this week as well as maybe some show jumping help from Warren if he can stand it!

Bye for now from tropical paradise.