2014 Eventing Christmas Quiz Part 4

It’s time to unwind, relax, eat, drink and be merry wherever you are in the world. But when you’re bored of watching Carols by Candlelight or need something to ruminate on after a long lunch, whether in front of a log fire or on the beach, we have just the thing. Our Christmas quiz is the true test of your international eventing knowledge – just get some friends together or give it a go by yourself. Each day from Christmas Eve to New Year’s Eve we’ll be bringing you questions each day to keep the eventing fun going during the holidays.

All of the answers can be found on An Eventful Life. If you’re stuck, try using our Search facility (also located on the side bar of most pages) but sometimes it might just need you to remember what you have read during the year! If you've missed other parts of the quiz, scroll down to the bottom of the page for links

The quiz is just for fun – no prizes – but we’ll be really impressed if anyone gets them all correct! Each question carries a score and we’ll publish the answers on January 1st

Happy quizzing!


  1. Which event in Australia boasts the famous Quarry where Mark Todd, amongst others, has come to grief? (1 point)
  2. Which eventing rider withdrew from the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games in Normandy only moments before entering the dressage arena? (1 point)
  3. How many UK, Australian and New Zealand events has An Eventful Life filmed at in 2014? (1 point)
  4. Name Australia’s National Performance Director for eventing (1 point)
  5. Which New Zealand rider, currently the National ODE champion, is also a barrister (1 point)
  6. Who was the highest placed Australian rider at WEG in both 2014 and 2010? (1 point)


This horse’s head is usually seen as part of a cross country fence at Eventing Equestriad but where was it taken in this photo? (1 point)


Famous for its parties, name the event  pictured below (1 point)


Christmas Quiz Part 1

Christmas Quiz Part 2

Christmas Quiz Part 3

Christmas Quiz Part 5