An Update from Paul Tapner

We’re absolutely delighted that Paul will be blogging for us in the near future but in the meantime we caught up with him recently to find out how his plans for selection were going and what is happening at Tapner Eventing in the UK.

      Paul and Wickstead Didgeridoo   Photo: courtesy Tapner Eventing/Fine Filly Photos


AEL: Which are you top horses for this season and what are your plans for them?

Paul: Inonothing, Kilronan and Wickstead Didgeridoo are my three top horses. Inonothing is aimed at Badminton and has had two runs so far at Tweseldown where he placed and Aldon where he was 2nd in the Advanced Intermediate, finishing on his dressage score so I was very happy with that. We’ll be taking him to Belton in Lincolnshire this weekend*, then possibly Weston Park before Badminton. At Badminton I’m obviously hoping for a fantastic performance to impress the selectors for a berth on the London 2012 team

The other two horses, Kilronan and Wickstead Didgeridoo won’t be going to Badminton but so far they’ve had the same preparation and have performed satisfactorily. However, they will now probably do Weston Park and Withington CNC then they are aimed at Saumur CIC 3* in France where they will hopefully finish in 1st and 2nd place, just to give the selectors a headache!

I had hoped to have five horses fit and ready to go to the Olympics; it has turned out to be three but hopefully one of them will give me a ticket to London.


       Paul and Caicos                    Photo courtesy Tapner Eventing


AEL: Tell us a little about your up and coming horses

Paul: Carlito had a short season last year as he injured himself but has come back into work and is feeling fantastic so hopefully will come back strongly

Indian Mill is a very promising youngster aimed at 2* this year. He’s had two starts for two wins and won quite a bit last season and he’s only seven years old so looking very good

Caicos also didn’t do a full season last year due to injury but we’re hoping he’ll go 3* star later this year. He’s a real hope for the future and the Australian coaches Prue, Gilbert and Rod seem to really like him


AEL: How was the recent UK based squad school at the Unicorn Centre?

Paul: It was great to have four days of intensive on our top horses so early in the season. Brett (Parbery) is always fantastic and it was the first time working with Gareth Hughes which was very good and he has a very good eye for what needs to be worked on and improved. I got a huge amount of value in the dressage from Brett and Gareth

Gilbert (Bockmann) is always very good and comes up with some really creative exercises and Prue was there overlooking what was happening with everyone so she’ll know what to put in place when she’s in control at London.



AEL: How well does family life and horse work fit together?

Paul: With difficulty! The children do ride but it’s thanks to my wife, Georgina that everything gets done. She takes care of the children, their riding, the school run and all the rest, she really is the superglue, keeping us all organised and on time and she refers to me as her ‘third child’(which is probably right!). In terms of the kids riding, I’m not in danger of becoming a pony club dad but Georgina is becoming the pony club mother to be feared, although I try and keep her under control!

Seriously though, at the heart of it we don’t want to push them too much to ride; they are also involved with lots of other activities such as scouts, ballet, piano, swimming.  They’re really busy and active kids thanks to Georgina being a fantastic mum who runs it and makes it all work. I’m really busy with the riding and the farm work but it works well for us and life is pretty good


      The Tapner Family


*We interviewed Paul just before Belton Horse Trials on the 31st March and 1st April, where Inonothing had a great outing, finishing 2nd in the CIC 3*. For reports about Belton Horse Trials, visit the Events section of this website under FEI HSBC Classic Series and the Mitsubsihi Motors Badminton Horse Trials page.