Imogen Mercer

Vote for Ingrid and Imogen

Thursday Sep 21, 2017 5:20

The two "I's" get our vote in the 2017 FEI Awards which are now open for public voting - Ingrid Klimke and Imogen Mercer

2015 FEI Best Groom Award Nominations

Friday Nov 6, 2015 14:10

Sam Griffith’s Head Girl and AEL blogger Imogen Mercer is one of the seven nominations for the 2015 FEI Best Groom Award

Imogen Mercer's whirlwind year

Monday Jan 5, 2015 17:37

“2014 was a whirlwind year – we’ve been all over the place” says Imogen Mercer when we caught up with her as she holidayed in Australia to find out more about what life as Sam Griffiths’ Head Girl is all about