Rachel Watts

Reminiscing with Rachel Watts, Eventing Supergroom

Sunday Jan 9, 2022 11:10

Video Interview: "This job has been the best experience of my life" says supergroom Rachel Watts who has travelled the world with Australian Olympian Shane Rose and his horses but is now starting a new chapter of her life

Monday after an event with Team Rose

Monday Oct 12, 2020 9:24

It's Monday morning following an event and, as all eventing riders know, it's time to tackle the aftermath of the weekend. This is how supergroom Rachel Watts does it for Shane Rose and his team

Snippets from the Stables Final Day at Badminton Horse Trials

Monday May 12, 2014 16:20

Rachel Watts brings us the final day 'behind the scenes' at Badminton with the Australian National Anthem being played and Imogen Mercer winning the Mark Holliday trophy. But tomorrow there is the truck to clean.......!!

Snippets from the Stables Day 5 at Badminton Horse Trials

Sunday May 11, 2014 16:50

"Cross country day - what can I say, nerves, stress and anticipation from riders, owners and partners..........." Rachel fills us in on how she handles a big cross country day at Badminton

Snippets from Stables Day 4 at Badminton Horse Trials

Saturday May 10, 2014 21:14

Cross country morning will involve walking the horses for grass and getting organised with all the gear for the big day ahead. The day doesn't start until 12 and James isn't due out until 4:20, so there will be a long night ahead!
