Sticking to a routine



Stick to a routine, say the experts, and we’re following their advice diligently. However, my routine seems to be starting later and later.

I have absolutely no problem with that, as getting out of bed has always been a struggle for me so waking at 9am is my idea of heaven. And then of course, there’s coffee in bed, scroll through the social media to find out what the wide-awake world has been doing whilst I was blissfully unaware, snoozing Down Under and eventually, breakfast, which now also seems to take forever because it can

Walks are part of the new routine and one is around a small local lake, a quick wander for Pedro and I.

We would occasionally do this walk ‘pre-lockdown’ when I would hardly see a soul during a weekday walk but now there is much more activity. A paved walk close to a suburban area, it’s popular with joggers, cyclists of all ages and mums with prams and everyone is generally very friendly, nodding and smiling whilst keeping their distance, but it has become clear that there are plenty of ways of communicating with passing foot traffic without physical contact

My favourite has long been the book exchange hutch. Here books have been left, borrowed and returned for several years (there is a great scheme called Book Crossing in Australia which I’m sure happens elsewhere) and now a Bear/Monkey has joined in, to add some fun for small passers-by.



This isn’t the only stuffed animal making its presence known; we’ve spotted hobby horses on balconies and teddies in windows while rocks also seem to have become a new method of silent communication.

I’m not quite sure why painted rocks have suddenly become popular, appearing in various places but they are quite jolly and I suppose people have to do something with their time when they are early risers



As I’m not usually at home in Australia at this time of year, I’d also forgotten that the native bushes flower now and so my walk is accompanied by a riot of colour in that very unobtrusive Australian way. You need to look closely to fully appreciate it but, once up close, the colours and shapes are stunning 



But the best colour on a walk is a blue one. Our local beach is now open again, solely for exercise, and dogs are once again allowed as summer is now well and truly over

Pedro is very happy with the new routine ……..