Poppy Blandford - Sustaining Confidence

      Connie Copestake, one of the Windrush Foundation Young Eventers


The Windrush Equestrian Foundation, which runs the Young Eventers Programme, places a big focus on the mental well-being of the riders in their programme. 

They have partnered with Poppy Blandford, Equestrian Sports Performance Coach, to produce a series of videos in which Poppy discusses the three aspects that young riders are most worried about during this time of uncertainty

In this video Poppy talks about sustaining confidence during this period of enforced self-isolation and lack of competition.

“It’s a bit of a myth to think that confidence is just a feeling; it’s not an emotion, it’s a belief so we feel confident when we believe we are confident”

Watch Poppy talk about dealing with a Lack of Focus here


Lack of Focus from Poppy Blandford on Vimeo.