Pippa Funnell and Tina Cook Masterclass at London International Horse Show

Pippa Funnell & Tina Cook, two British eventing medallists, will present an hour-long Masterclass on Friday 15 December at the London International Horse Show | An Eventful Life
Pippa Funnell at London International Horse Show

Top eventing riders, and all-round good fun people, Pippa Funnell MBE and Tina Cook will take centre stage on Friday 15 December at the London International Horse Show.

“Perfect Partnerships with Pippa and Tina’ will be an hour-long lesson in developing those vital connections that produce results at all levels. The pair will share the insights they have gained over three decades of riding at the top level of sport and discuss their relationships with both human and equine teammates.

“It’s all about building that friendship with your horse or pony,” says Pippa, who is passionate about horse welfare “To which we all know there are no shortcuts – but that doesn’t mean it has to be boring!”

Tina and Pippa will put together a range of exercises, suitable for the audience to go home and try at home, which will develop horse and rider partnerships both mentally and gymnastically.

“We’ve both produced horses from the ground up,” continues Pippa, “We’ve both produced youngsters, and we’ve both produced horses who don’t necessarily have the ‘whole package’ – but this Masterclass is all about working with what you have; emphasising the natural talents and supporting those areas where a horse and rider might be weaker, to create that perfect partnership for enjoyment and success.”

Pippa and Tina have not only had success at the highest level of eventing, but also in training showjumping and eventing horses and mentoring winning young riders. The masterclass, starting with a mix of flatwork and pole work, will pay special attention to establishing self-discipline and the basic techniques which are the basis of any good partnership, with Pippa and Tina’s trademark light-hearted flair.

“It’s all got to be fun – for both horse and rider,” says Pippa. “That’s what creates the best partnerships – when both we and our four-legged friends are enjoying ourselves!” Following this, Pippa and Tina will put together the techniques they have covered to show the audience the final product, before a Q&A session with the audience.

World Champion Yasmin Ingham is another top eventing rider in action at LIHS, taking part in the LeMieux Masterclass 'Dressage Unwrapped' on Thursday 14th December