We're moving up to 1 Star!

       Sizzling at Avenel Horse Trials!


So Sizzle has being at PreNovice for a while now and if you have been following his escapades he is notoriously a bit of a brat! But the last few events he has been jumping super and we have finally made the decision to step up to One Star!

It is every rider’s dream to take a horse who has done nothing, and then produce them successfully! Sizzle (as you have probably guessed) holds a very special place in my heart as he is the first horse I have produced to any decent sort of level all by my self. And I think that that is what makes it so exciting and special as it is that feeling of achievement that it is you who has produced him and you aren’t just tagging along on a horse that has done it all before. Don’t get me wrong, I have loved riding the beautiful schoolmasters I have been so privileged to compete! But you cant beat that feeling you get when you know that the quality of horse you are riding and the results you are getting are a credit to you and your coaches, and no-one else. Not to mention the fact that Sizzle would have to have one of the most trainable horses I have ever ridden which makes it all the more fun!


      Photo courtesy Kelly Troy


There is always a risk that things may not turn out the way you want and I am tentatively hopeful that all my hard work will pay off and we will have a foot-perfect event at Candelbark Horse Trials. But such is the way with horses that they have their own mind and attitude (especially Sizzle) and you can never really predict what will happen! You just have to train as hard as you can and try and prepare them as best you can, but then it is up to them! I hope you have your brave pants packed Sizzle!! And I might need you guys to cross your fingers and toes for me!!


      Emily and Butterscotch Brittle                                     Photo courtesy Stephen Mowbray


Something else exciting is that for the past few weeks my family has been over for the Australian Showjumping Championships and Australian Interschool Championships! It has been fantastic being able to catch up with everyone and watching them ride their super little ponies and do very, very well! Emily had a bit of a tough time on Butterscotch Brittle at the AUS SJ Champs but still managed to be in the top ten in a multiple of her (massive) classes and even managed a 4th in a class of over 120 horses! Bethany did a super job regularly being in the top ten with both her horses and came 5th in the open 90 in a class of nearly 130 riders!!!


       Bethany on Bethany on Pretzel of Patersonia                   Photo courtesy Stephen Mowbray


Then for the Interschool Championships Emily again did well, and came 6th in the Secondary 90cm AM5 and 8th in the secondary 90cm speed! Bethany absolutely cleaned up with multiple placings on both her horses; She came 3rd in the primary 80cm AM5 and 5th in the Primary 80cm CT on Pretzel of Patersonia. Then on Bandman, came 3rd in the primary 90cm Speed and 2nd in the primary 80cm CT! What a massive effort and it just proves that when you work hard enough at your goals, such a small thing like age and Bass Strait will not slow you down!!

Finally, my last bit of exciting news is that I am a finalist in the competition to win a lesson with Dirk Schrade at Equitana!!!!! So please jump onto this website www.equitana.com.au/vote-eventing.html and give me a vote! The rules are one vote per device per day and if I win I can tell you all about it in my blog!! Wouldn’t that be incredible!! So please, please, pretty please get voting for me and my super pony!

Thanks and until next time!!

Alice smiley


      Bethany and Ruby                  Photo courtesy Stephen Mowbray