Time for family, clinics and jumping courses

Murray Lamperd

Well it has been a busier few days over in England as in the last few days my family and groom have arrived from Australia.

I also participated in a pre-Badminton clinic with English based Australian riders which was I think a valuable experience for myself and Ninja.Today I had a big gallop on Ninja and he pulled up very well.

Murray Lamperd

I will get to some show jumping on Friday afternoon as I am well out of practice in jumping courses; this was apparent at the clinic yesterday. On one hand it helped me with some helpful info but on the other hand it showed I need to get out to a few show jumping rounds while I can, just to try to develop some consistency.

We're picking up some feed in the morning which Mitavite has provided for Under The Clocks because he hasn't taken so well to the local feeds. Hopefully he gets back to more enthusiastic eating.

Today was a perfect weather day by the way. Hopefully it remains reasonable at least. No guarantees over here though.

Here's hoping.