Well that was genuine fun!

   A great day with my brother Warren

We have been working quietly on the dressage and the jumping in the arena since the gallop. Jumped again this morning and Warren and I worked together well. I thought he was right onto what I need to be working on.

The fun bit was that we went cross country schooling this afternoon at an excellent training facility called Boomerang. It is run by an ex pat Aussie called Russ Hardy.

There were so many jumps that the only problem was deciding what to jump. After we started jumping Warren asked me if I was 'having fun' and I said 'it isn't about fun, I just want to find the right jumps for him'. This is the first time I have had him away from a familiar setting for cross country while not at a competition.

He felt great and was loving it. It was like driving a powerful sports car and just toying now and again with the accellerator and some turns but not letting it right out. I really enjoyed it and I am sure he did too.

The other thing to help me relax is I don't have too worry about the heat or the hard ground. We will go back next week and Russ has promised that they are setting jumps up to specifically prepare for some of the Badminton cross country fences.

Down the lanes tomorrow to the gallop I think.

Until next time,

Murray and Ninja.