Garthbrengy and the granny

      Dani and Garthbrengy safely over the last fence at Tonimbuk


We caught up with Danielle Marwood at Tonimbuk Horse Trials to find out more about the grey off the track thoroughbred she was riding to discover that his name, Garthbrengy, has quite some significance. Dani also fills us in on what is happening with Wild Oats, their lovely 4* mare who is recovering from a bout of pneumonia

Dani’s husband Seumas may not have had Wild Oats at the event but he was competing in the EvA80 on Bad Boy Bubby – they were doing very well on the cross country until Seumas missed out a fence on course, eliminating them; however, as he pointed out later, this meant that his wife beat him in this class which should make her happy!


Danielle Marwood


Maybe it was the long delay for Seumas riding Bad Boy Bubby due to a hold up on course that made him forget a fence?